Over the past few years I've been doing a lot more cooking and have been recording various recipes as I go, and the temptation to share these has been growing and growing. Cue my discovery of "Cooklang", some time off from work, and we had a perfect storm.

What the heck is a "Cooklang"?

Cooklang is like Markdown but for recording recipes, and simplfying the management of them. Each recipe is a self contaned .cook file and contains the cooking instructions for the recipe. Things like the cookware + ingredients needed are indicated by annotating them in the recipe, a Cooklang parser will automatically pick these up, no need to maintain seperate lists. A sample recipe (easy-pancakes.cook) might look like this:

>> source: https://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/eggs-recipes/easy-pancakes/

Crack the @eggs{3} into a blender, then add the @flour{125%g}, @milk{250%ml} and @sea salt{1%pinch}, and blitz until smooth.

Pour into a #bowl and leave to stand for ~{15%minutes}.

Melt the @butter (or a drizzle of @oil if you want to be a bit healthier) in a #large non-stick frying pan{} on a medium heat, then tilt the pan so the butter coats the surface.

Pour in 1 ladle of batter and tilt again, so that the batter spreads all over the base, then cook for 1 to 2 minutes, or until it starts to come away from the sides.

Once golden underneath, flip the pancake over and cook for 1 further minute, or until cooked through.

Serve straightaway with your favourite topping. -- Add your favorite topping here to make sure it's included in your meal plan!

And you'd get a list of ingredients and cookware from the recipe like this:


  • 3 eggs
  • 125 g flour
  • 250 ml milk
  • 1 pinch sea salt
  • some butter
  • some oil


  • bowl
  • large non-stick frying pan

You can find more info on Cooklang on the official site.

Adding support for .cook files

Luckily I'm using Eleventy which makes adding support for arbitrary file types a breeze. To this end, I've actually gone and created a (simple Eleventy Plugin to add support), it's pretty barebones but, it works well enough for my purposes (though I'll be improving it over time).

The plugin adds support for .cook files by utilising the cooklang/cooklang-ts package to parse the contents of any .cook files, it then transforms takes the output of that parse and returns it as part of the page's data.

The display of the data is left up to user, I don't attempt to include a default layout, though maybe I will add an example to get people started in future.

Displaying a recipe

I created a custom layout for my recipes, recipe.njk which just renders the data onto a page with a few loops, nothing fancy. I also added a data file inside the recipes folder (where I store all my recipes) that sets the layout of all the files in that folder to recipe.njk

To see an example recipe take a look at my Anzac biscuit recipe, a local New Zealand/Australian biscuit which traces it's origins back to the First World War and the ANZAC troops.

Adding a Recipe Collection

Of course when it comes to displaying these, I wanted to have a page with all my recipes listed (/recipes), so I needed a custom collection.

Since I have created a custom layout for recipes, this was really easy, just grab all my posts, filter for things that use the recipe layout, and sort by date.

eleventyConfig.addCollection('recipes', function (collectionApi) {
return collectionApi
.filter((i) => i.data.layout === 'pages/recipe.njk')
.sort((recipeA, recipeB) => {
return recipeA.date - recipeB.date;
